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Star Trek
Dateline 22
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Reporting for Duty!
I emptied my memory banks of everything and anything I had to
talk about, and I think I found a variety of topics! Hopefully
everyone will find something to tickle their fancy. And if you
don't, be sure to tell me about it!
To M.N., for general moral support.
News from Over the Hailing Frequencies....
Another museum adds Star Trek to its hallowed halls! The
Franklin Mint Museum (here in my home state of Pennsylvania) will be
added three new permanent exhibits, one of which will be devoted to
Trek. "Complete with transporter pads and sound effects for 'beaming
up,' the exhibit has been designed to resemble the bridge of the
famous U.S.S. Enterprise. The exhibit will feature authentic,
hand-crafted collectibles displayed with actual props and scenery
used in the most famous space-age saga of our time." (Delaware
County Daily Times)
The exhibit is scheduled to open in June.
Various tidbits off the rumor mill from Lunacon (emphasis on the
word rumor when reading all this):
The TNG cast has been formally signed for a seventh season. (At
a convention after this one was held, Brent Spiner said that some but
not all of the cast had been resigned, with talks continuing.
Eventually it'll sort out.)
TNG, the Enterprise-B, and the Enterprise-C remain possible ST
movie projects.
Over on "Deep Space Nine", work on the Writers' Guide continues.
Updating the TNG schedule (all dates "week of..."):
04/13/92 -- "Hero Worship" rerun (boy idolizes Data)
04/20/92 -- "The Cost of Living" (Lwaxana Troi episode)
04/27/92 -- "The Perfect Mate" (whose, I wonder?)
05/04/92 -- "Imaginary Friend" (a child has a real "imaginary"
friend; also features return of Guinan)
05/11/92 -- "Violations" rerun (mind-rape story)
05/18/92 -- "The Masterpiece Society" rerun (genetically
engineered society in danger)
05/25/92 -- "I, Borg" (the long-awaited episode; also includes
06/01/92 -- "The Next Phase" (a Geordi and Ro story)
06/08/92 -- "Inner Light" (Picard's son -- more or less)
06/15/92 -- "Conundrum" rerun (crew has amnesia)
06/22/92 -- "Time's Arrow" (season finale; Data/time travel
(schedule as posted on the FidoNet TNG echo)
Editorial: |(
by Bill Mason (Data1701D)
I'll take this space this month to apologize again to those of
you who may have been in "Center Stage" on April 5th, awaiting Ron
Moore of TNG with me. I would tell you exactly what happened, but at
this point I still don't know exactly what happened.
Again, apologies. The Club's next "Center Stage" will be on
June 7th. No one on Stage that night but yours truly. And I promise
to be there with bells on.
The Enterprise's Guardian Angel?
by Bill Mason (Data1701D)
After watching "Cause and Effect", I am convinced that the
Enterprise has a "guardian angel" watching over her! "The universe
doesn't give first warnings," K't'lk noted in the novel "The Wounded
Sky". But now in "Cause and Effect" and in "Time Squared", the
universe has not only given warnings, it's bent time around to give
the Enterprise second chances!
But I don't think that the universe itself is consciously
looking out for the Enterprise. (Think of the philosophical
discussions that could start.) I have come to think that NCC-1701-D
has a being watching over her, keeping her safe in her worst moments.
And I have my own personal speculation as to who it is: Q.
You're laughing, right? Or probably thinking that the "guardian
angel" is Guinan, or something. Guinan is a natural choice, but I
don't think that what powers she possesses include the ability to
manipulate the space-time continuum. (Clearly, though, she has some
kind of space-time "sense", as we saw in "Yesterday's Enterprise".)
I'm sticking with Q. It probably sounds silly; why would Q care
about preserving the Enterprise? Beats me. But look at some of the
strange things that have happened to the Enterprise since they first
met Q in "Encounter at Farpoint":
After that first encounter, Picard was saved from an existence
as disembodied energy thanks to some nifty transporter work in
"Lonely Among Us", a feat that even the "TNG Writers' Technical
Manual" refers to as an "amazing exception" to how the transporter
normally functions. As established in the "TNG Technical Manual",
the transporter cannot store a person's pattern to use later to
recreate them out of energy, or raw protoplasm, or even belly-button
lint. Yet, they managed to do it! A one-in-a-million fluke?
Maybe. But note that only 3 episodes later comes Q's return in
"Hide and Q". So was the transporter trick really a stroke of luck?
Or did Q intervene to keep Picard alive, so that Q could have the fun
of making a wager with him over Commander Riker?
Jump to the second season's "Time Squared". The Enterprise
escapes destruction when future-Picard is hurled back in time,
warning the present-time Picard of impeding danger to his ship.
Could Q have engineered this? And then, when Q returned 3 episodes
later in "Q Who?", did Picard's attitude really annoy Q? Especially
since Q had saved the Enterprise? Did he get so ticked off at Picard
that he sent the Enterprise into Borg space? You could make a case
for it.
(Interestingly, the original script for Maurice Hurley's "Time
Squared" did include the subplot that Q was responsible for the
time-traveling Picard. But Gene Roddenberry nixed the idea, and the
Q element was removed from the script.)
Onward to season three, and "Deja Q". Through some help from
the Enterprise, Q is inspired to commit a "selfless act" and regain
the omnipotence that had been stripped from him. How grateful was Q
for the Enterprise's help? He sure looked happy! Was he so happy
that 2 episodes later, when history was changed in "Yesterday's
Enterprise", Q secretly alerted Guinan (probably without her
conscious knowledge) that the timeline had gone awry? Again, it
flows together logically.
Then we come to season four and "Q-Pid". Admittedly, the
Enterprise hadn't encountered any universe-shaking danger this year
(since the Borg Incident had been resolved, at least). Is that why Q
went back to his usual pattern of being annoying for annoyance's
sake? Because Picard was boring him?
Obviously, there isn't any way to prove any of this. Q would be
the last one to tell us he was watching over the Enterprise. But
isn't it a weird thought!
In the Event of an Emergency....
by Bill Mason (Data1701D)
USS Enterprise Orientation for Resident Civilian Personnel, 1st
edition, with revisions
In the event of an emergency, the Commanding Officer may issue
the order to "Abandon Ship". If the Enterprise is in intergalactic
space, with no safe place to use transporters to escape to,
evacuation will be via lifeboats (known as ASRVs -- Autonomous
Survival and Recovery Vehicles -- but commonly referred to as escape
pods) and auxiliary craft (including shuttlecraft and the Captain's
Ideally, there will be time for the ship's officers to issue a
preliminary "All Hands to Emergency Escape Pods" order before
abandoning ship is necessary. There will be situations where an
immediate "Abandon Ship" order will be issued. In either case, the
emergency procedures are the same.
With this orientation packet, you will find deck schedules
designating your assigned lifeboat. In the event of a order to
abandon ship or to proceed to escape pods, your first priority should
be to immediately proceed to that lifeboat. Do not stop for
anything, or detour anywhere else. Go directly to your assigned
Ship's officers will be at lifeboat stations. If an abandon
ship order is given, immediately enter the lifeboat at the officer's
direction. Seat yourself promptly so that the lifeboat officer may
expeditiously launch the lifeboat.
If you are unable to reach your assigned lifeboat, immediately
report this to the nearest lifeboat officer or Security personnel.
(Security personnel will sweep the corridors looking for unevacuated
personnel.) They will assign you to another lifeboat, or take you to
be evacuated by auxiliary craft as they deem appropriate.
Ship's personnel may deem it necessary for you to suit up in an
extravehicular garment and exit directly off the ship into space,
rather than by lifeboat or auxiliary craft. Follow their
instructions immediately in this case.
In an extreme emergency, civilian personnel may suit up in
extravehicular garments and exit directly off the ship on their own
initiative. Obviously, it would be preferable for civilians to exit
the ship at the direction of ship's personnel. But in the event of
an emergency, your judgement may call for you to exit on your own.
Extravehicular garments are located throughout the ship at exit
ports, shuttlebays, and in corridor emergency equipment lockers. All
these storage spaces are clearly marked. If you decide to exit the
ship on your own, suit up immediately and depart immediately. You
may do so through exterior airlocks, the shuttlebays, and (if the
turbolift network is shut down) through the exterior turbolift
couplings. Most exterior windows have emergency releases that enable
you to release the window pane and exit directly through the window.
The release and an instruction plate on how to accomplish this are
located at the base of the window.
Remember, in all emergency cases:
Remain calm.
Follow all instructions given by ship's computer, ship's
officers, and Security personnel. In an emergency, all civilians
must follow the direction of ship's officers and security personnel,
without question, for they have full jurisdiction in emergency or
evacuation procedures.
Wormholes: Some Definitions
by Bill Mason (Data1701D)
Linguistics Bank - Webster's 24th Century Dictionary, Fifth
WORMHOLE \'werm-,hol\ n (1593) 1: a hole or passage burrowed by
a worm 2: the area between a black hole and a white hole 3: a
natural or artificial space-time warp
Things to Look For in 1992
by Bill Mason (Data1701D)
Luckily for us, Star Trek's history and our own will diverge in
1992, as it doesn't look like we're going to have a Khan Singh or a
Eugenics War. ("Space Seed")
On a lighter note, keep an eye for a special book that was
published in 1992: "Chicago Mobs of the Twenties". ("A Piece of the
Book Review: "The Disinherited"
by Bill Mason (Data1701D)
The new Classic Trek novel "The Disinherited" is by a trio of
writers: Peter David, Michael Jan Friedman, and Robert Greenberger.
It is a four-star effort.
Two plots run parallel in this novel. In one, Uhura is
temporarily assigned to the USS Lexington, under Commodore Wesley
(from "The Ultimate Computer", although this novel is set before that
episode), for a diplomatic mission. In the other, Kirk is doubly
busy taking on planetary raiders and breaking in his fresh from the
Academy navigator, Ensign Pavel Chekov.
And without giving the plots away, I'll just say that these two
threads eventually come together for an entertaining book. Novels
with Uhura featured prominently have tended to be good books (see
"The Tears of the Singers" or "Uhura's Song" for examples). And
Chekov gets some deserved attention as his first days aboard the
Enterprise are both exciting and terrifying and brilliant and
mistake-ridden. "The Disinherited" is well-crafted by three
established Trek writers -- especially Peter David, who may be the
most prolific and popular Trek novelist of all.
And the cover's nice too! "The Disinherited" -- thumbs up.
Happy Birthday!
April 20: George Takei
Club Happenings
Another online newsletter is born, as the "Starfleet Communique"
-- product of the "Starfleet Academy" -- is out and about. Issues
are available in the "Star Trek Record Banks".
Trek-related Products/Happenings
Impel will be releasing a new set of Star Trek trading cards
this summer. This set will be strictly a Next Generation collection.
(From "The Westfield Newsletter")
Also this summer is the second Next Generation hardcover:
"Imzadi" by Peter David. "The mysterious death of Counselor Deanna
Troi signals the beginning of an adventure for Commander Riker, who
must choose between Starfleet's strictest rule and the one he calls
Imzadi." ("The Westfield Newsletter")
More museum news from my neck of the woods: Philadelphia's
Franklin Institute is running a new show, "Cosmic Discovery: The
Shape of Exploration", in its planetarium. The show is narrated by
Leonard Nimoy. (Philadelphia Inquirer)
Comic books coming in May: Uhura and Sulu stay entangled in
planetary politics in DC Comics' "Star Trek" #32. In "Next
Generation" #32, Geordi is injured while leading an away team of
cadets, so Sonya Gomez must take command.
Meanwhile, the delayed DC Classic Trek hardcover graphic novel,
"Debt of Honor", is now being listed for a June release.
Possibly coming in May, since they've been behind schedule
lately, are Personality Comics' "New Crew" #7 (Marina Sirtis) and
"Original Crew" #8 (Majel Barrett).
(All from "The Westfield Newsletter")
A variety of magazines of interest: GDW's "Challenge" #60
includes an article for the Star Trek RPG; "Comics Interview" #110
focuses on Trek and the DC Trek comics; Starlog #179 is to include a
Marina Sirtis interview. (Also from "The Westfield Newsletter")
The third Trek Cruise is to take place from May 16th to the 21st,
1993. Its destination is Jamaica, with stops at Ocho Rios and Grand
Cayman Island. The cruise will be using the same ship: SS Britanis.
No guests have been announced yet. To get an information packet
write to: Seatrek '93, c/o Devlin Associates, Inc., 8306 Mills Drive
- Box 198, Miami FL 33183. Or call 1-800-326-8735.
On March 12th, Whoopi Goldberg took to the stage of Carnegie
Hall (along with Natalie Cole, Don Henley, and James Taylor) to take
part in a benefit for the Rainforest Foundation, which supports the
Indians of Brazil. (Associated Press)
Whoopi was also the recipient of an unusual honor recently.
Nor'East Miniature Rose Inc. named a new red/white rose hybrid the
"Whoopi" in her honor. The flower will be introduced in rose shows
in the spring, and will also be seen in Whoopi's next movie, "Sister
Act", also coming this spring. (Philadelphia Inquirer wire services)
In the real world of Enterprises, the Navy (as of March 26) is
searching for an arsonist who has set 20 fires about the aircraft
carrier Enterprise while she is in dock at Newport News. (Associated
Star Trek VI's Iman got a pre-wedding gift from fiancee David
Bowie: a $3.4 million, 640 acre estate near Dublin, Ireland. Must be
nice.... (Philadelphia Inquirer)
"Cheers" has been renewed for another season, with Kirstie Alley
expected to return along with fellow Trek veterans Kelsey Grammer and
Bebe Neuwirth, as well as the rest of the cast. (Philadelphia
Personal Logs, Stardate Today
His agent asked, "How many thousands or millions of dollars do
you have?" I laughed out loud. What a ridiculous thing to ask a
nonprofit science museum.
[Derrick Pitts, Franklin Institute Fels Planetarium vice
president, commenting on when Leonard Nimoy was first asked to
narrate the planetarium's new "Cosmic Discovery" show. (Nimoy was
paid an unspecified fee.) From the Philadelphia Inquirer.]
We need to go into space for the same reasons that Columbus
needed to sail west, Darwin to visit the Galapagos, Sir Edmund
Hillary to climb Everest and Midori Ito to attempt a triple axel at
Albertville. If we didn't dream, just once in a while, of whooshing
into the cosmic dark with Mr. Spock on the Starship Enterprise, we
wouldn't be human, we wouldn't we reaching farther and beyond.
[Commentary page -- Philadelphia Inquirer]
And In Conclusion...
Things have been quiet in my E-Mail lately! Remember, comments
and/or submissions are always welcome. |)
Dateline #23 will be on May 15th.
Credits where Credits are Due
"Dateline: Starfleet" -- edited by Bill Mason (Data1701D), ID#
WPHM91A on Prodigy.
The Away Team of Contributors -- Thanks to ElfTtrek for the
Lunacon notes and Trek cruise info!
Copyright and Trademark Notice: In no case is use of any
copyrighted material and/or trademarks without identifying symbols
intended as a claim of ownership to those copyrights and/or
trademarks. "Dateline: Starfleet" is a non-profit production
reporting and commenting on the universe of Star Trek.
STAR TREK is a Registered Trademark of Paramount Pictures. All
other copyrighted material, trademarks, and/or service marks cited
herein are registered to their respective owners.
Readers are granted permission to reproduce this file wherever
they think there's an interest. Just tell 'em where you got it from!
If you read all this, help me think of something witty to put
here next month....